

The past is the past. My love and dedication to those dear shall remain unchange.
—Sharon's intro quote, Trails of Cold Steel III

I have a shred of neither mercy nor compassion for you left in me. I’ll cut you down right where you stand.
—Sharon's intro quote, Trails of Cold Steel II

I, Sharon, am eagerly looking forward to seeing you.
—Sharon's intro quote, Trails of Cold Steel

Sharon Kreuger is the Reinford family's maid and personal secretary to her master/CEO, Irina Reinford in the Trails of Cold Steel trilogy. She was later sent from her boss's orders to become dorm manager of Student Dormitory 3 at the Thors Military Academy, and has the utmost respect of Alisa as an older sister figure.


In all games of the Cold Steel trilogy, Sharon's appearance remains unchanged. A dark violet maid's outfit with a white apron, brown boots, and waist chord.


In Trails of Cold Steel, Sharon displays herself as a humble and cheerful woman, devoted entirely to her work for the Reinford family. She never makes any objections to orders given by Irina, and rarely finds herself conflicting with Alisa. Her devotion to the Reinfords is so great that anybody who allies with them she also devotes her service to, as seen with Class VII. Sharon also tends to tease Alisa about her relationships with others, as well as say various things to Alisa to make her feel embarrassed (most notably, bringing up her relation with Rean).

A maid whose multitasking abilities reach no end, yet her background remains extremely secretive before she came into the Reinford family's services. Until the break-out of the Civil War, she reseals herself as an Ouroboros Enforcer, though she does show levels of sadism towards her enemies. When asked about her position in the society, she claims that she's "on leave" from that position, and will not waver from her devotion to the Reinford family. For her, this has not caused a conflict of interest in the story as of yet.

Sara Valestein is the only character who Sharon displays a hint of hostility towards due to her already knowing her real background. though this interaction is mild passive-aggressive behavior from both parties. Despite this, Sharon and Sara tend to get along on the battlefield, though Sara remains highly suspicious of Sharon's day-to-day activities, due to Sharon's allegiances with Ouroboros.

Character Profile

In formal appearances, Sharon Kreuger is a graceful housemaid whose cooking and various skills are conducted of the highest caliber which makes her beneficial to the Reinford family. Her punctuality is described to be of perfect attendance whenever she approaches Rean and Class VII by helping them during their field studies, much to Alisa's chagrin and unwilling surprise.

When the Civil War broke out and Trista was next under siege from the Noble Alliance, all the Thors instructors prepared the defense line where Sharon revealed her true identity. A member of the secret society, Ouroboros as Enforcer Number IX, “The Severing Chains”.

Sharon claims to be "on leave" from the society while remaining loyal to the Reinford family, even after revealing herself to Class VII. She served as the supermaid to the Reinford family till the very end, even after the Civil War. After Class VII's graduation following after, she supported Alisa's duties as the Group’s senior manager from behind the scenes.


  • According to Bleublanc who queries Sharon about her current allegiance, she replies "it is too late to do so" unlike Joshua and Renne.

